An Attitude of Gratitude


November is official "Gratitude Month" in the U.S. with the celebration of the Thanksgiving holiday. A regular gratitude practice can have significant health benefits and even "rewire" your brain for happiness.

There has been much research done on the science of gratitude, and lots of interesting ways to boost your feelings of gratitude daily.

Keeping a gratitude journal at your bedside and taking notes before bed or first thing in the morning, is a great way to keep in touch with what you’re truly grateful for. For me, adding gratitude exercises to my daily meditation is my favorite way to keep my 4th Chakra tuned up!

Our Heart Chakra is a wonderful center that can help us build gratitude. Here are some meditations and exercises from Deepak Chopra and Donna Eden that can help boost your heart chakra gratitude! Click here… and here.


Wendie Colter, MCWC, CMIP is the founder/CEO of The Practical Path, Inc. For information on The Practical Path® Medical Intuitive Training™ and the Medical Intuition for Healing Workshop™, please visit The Practical Path or call 877-433-6611.

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