My Intuitive Life

"Intuition doesn't tell you what you want to hear; it tells you what you need to hear." - Sonia Choquette


One of my great joys in working with intuition is allowing it to continually surprise me. When a long-sought desire brings a series of false starts or dead ends, I tune in and ask my intuition what I should do next. Invariably, the answer will be useful and practical.

Sometimes my intuition will tell me to wait and refocus. Sometimes it tells me not to give up as the answer is right around the corner! Sometimes it will help me find inner strength, or give me a no-nonsense reality check when I’ve gotten too far off track. Sometimes it just helps me to laugh and lighten up!

One of the most gratifying aspects of working closely with intuition is allowing it to guide you through life’s ups and downs. Life is challenging, no matter how you look at it, and challenges help us grow and evolve. Your intuition can be your own personal lighthouse to help guide you to where you’d like to be, and help you avoid pitfalls along the way.

The use of intuition takes a very specific skill, one which people tend to discount, brush off or misunderstand. But without this one ingredient, intuition simply won’t work very well. The magic that takes the intuitive experience from an occasional “hit” to a reliable and trusted source and guide is… acknowledgement. Knowing how to acknowledge your intuition is the key in helping you grow and develop it.

That Still Small Voice…


How do most people experience an intuitive “hit”? Sometimes you get a sense of knowing. People report that they “just knew” something was about to happen — such as, your friend was going to call you at that precise moment. Some people actually hear a little voice in their mind giving them a small piece of information. Some people feel a physical feeling, or an emotion, or have a visceral awareness they may not be able to pinpoint, but feel very certain about the information they received intuitively.

Sometimes intuition creeps in quietly, like a thought you just can’t shake. Sometimes it hits us like a bolt of lightening out of the blue! You might even wake up from a dream with a strong sense of intuitive memory.

No matter how you experience your intuition - in order to develop it, the first step is to simply acknowledge it. Next time you get an intuitive “hit,” stop what you’re doing for a moment and pay attention to it. Give it your full awareness, even for a few seconds. Consider writing down your intuitive “hits” in a notebook, with a date and time. Be as specific as you can. Look through your notebook every so often - you might be surprised how accurate your intuition can be!

To learn how to connect intuitively for personal health and wellness, check out the Medical Intuition for Healing & Self-Care course!

Getting Focused

Keep in mind that your intuition will not be 100% correct all of the time - even the most experienced intuitives acknowledge that fact. One of the main reasons for this has to do with our emotional states when we are accessing intuition. I’ve noticed that strong emotions can block or skew intuitive information.

If I want information from my intuition, I check in on how I’m feeling. If I’m experiencing any strong emotions, it’s a good idea to release them first, in order to fully tap into my intuition. I might find a quite spot, take some deep breaths, close my eyes and calm my mind and body. Or, I might wait until a later time when circumstances might have shifted, or during my next meditation. My intuition is always available, whenever I’m available to pay attention to it.

We can develop our intuition to be a reliable compass for our lives. If you take the time to pay attention to it, you might find a new and fascinating source of inspiration and guidance!

Until next time -


Wendie Colter, MCWC, CMIP is the founder/CEO of The Practical Path, Inc. For information on The Practical Path® Medical Intuitive Training™ and the Medical Intuition for Healing Workshop™, please visit The Practical Path or call 877-433-6611.

This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. Please see our Disclaimer.